This is where my latest work can be seen including step-by-step progress reports, news and merchandising as well as features on artists, living and dead who I would like to draw people's attention to. Please note all my images are covered by International Copyright laws. Copyright to other artists images resides with the artist or their estate, their inclusion on this blog a result of my missionary zeal and to no profit for myself!

Friday 20 September 2024

The Fire Temple Of Ahura Mazda - stage 1

 Another painting for IX next month this one follows on from the last painting in that I am developing the warmly lit areas of the street market and expanding it into areas of fires, smoke and people in front of a fire temple at night. The temple is very loosely based on the Zoroastrian temples of Iran and India (called Parsi) where fire is associated with the kind of godhead called Ahura Mazda, a name I have loved for many years and finally get to use in a painting title.

It has actually been tricky to draw up because I am leaving the brightest areas of the painting where the flames are as the white canvas and then painting around them. This entails working out where all the fires are going to be and therefore not so much room for improvisation as everything has to be composed first (there will be a chance for improvisation when it comes to painting all the figures and smaller fires). This is halfway through the initial tonal underpainting after the basic drawing up is finished and hope to finish that stage tomorrow.

Oil on linen 22" x 16"

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