This is where my latest work can be seen including step-by-step progress reports, news and merchandising as well as features on artists, living and dead who I would like to draw people's attention to. Please note all my images are covered by International Copyright laws. Copyright to other artists images resides with the artist or their estate, their inclusion on this blog a result of my missionary zeal and to no profit for myself!

Thursday 12 September 2024

Red Lantern Street - stage 4

I was in London yesterday so today was my first chance to get on with the painting. The red lanterns aren't finished yet as I get on with the market stalls first. I need to get the light relationship right between the lanterns and the street so I'm taking it cautiously and stopping here for today to have my usual look at it over the morning coffee. I love red but it is so hard to use as it is relatively dark in tone and needs darkness around it to glow but it gets tricky as they approach the lights at the end of the street.

New colours used: Pyrrole Red, Quinacridone Red, Yellow Lake Deep and Cadmium Yellow Light.

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