This is where my latest work can be seen including step-by-step progress reports, news and merchandising as well as features on artists, living and dead who I would like to draw people's attention to. Please note all my images are covered by International Copyright laws. Copyright to other artists images resides with the artist or their estate, their inclusion on this blog a result of my missionary zeal and to no profit for myself!

Monday 16 September 2024

Red Lantern Street

 Kind of a first for me, a Chinese-themed painting which is a combination of memories of Chinatown in London at Chinese New Year and imagination. I love the colour red but find it hard to use as it is tonally quite dark so I set the lanterns in the darkest parts of the painting but then that introduced a new problem of incorporating them with the lighting in the street. I proceeded quite slowly and gradually it came together. This painting will be shown at IX next month in Reading PA.

Oil on fine cotton 16" x 12".

There is a step-by-step progress through this painting in previous posts on this blog.

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