This is where my latest work can be seen including step-by-step progress reports, news and merchandising as well as features on artists, living and dead who I would like to draw people's attention to. Please note all my images are covered by International Copyright laws. Copyright to other artists images resides with the artist or their estate, their inclusion on this blog a result of my missionary zeal and to no profit for myself!

Monday 19 August 2024

Rock Of Souls - stage 1

The first painting since I got back from my tour of US National Parks is under way. "Rock Of Souls" is heavily influenced by the rock formations I saw but I'm stopping here halfway through the tonal underpainting as I need to make decisions about how to proceed including whether I keep it monochrome for instance.... the qualities of the underpainting have something of what I'm looking for so I'm thinking about how best to retain them but still going for a full colour painting...

This is the tonal underpainting stage using my usual mix of Burnt Sienna and Dioxazine Purple thinned with Liquin and applied with various brushes.

Oil on canvas 32" x 12".

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