While I was painting "The Bazaar of Azam Shah" I got the idea to try and paint another large space, this time inside a mosque and this time all in blues as a nice contrast to the previous few paintings. Originally I wanted to do The Blue Mosque in Istanbul but couldn't come up with anything particularly useful in Midjourney so I moved my range to general mosque architecture when finally Midjourney came up with a few images that were nearer to what I was looking for. I am going to paint it mainly in blues but I will introduce some warm yellow/orange by introducing (actually a feature of The Blue Mosque) a hanging circle of of mosque lights in the distance under the dome.
If it works out OK I will treat this as a companion piece to "The Bazaar Of Azam Shah" and show it at IX in October.
Oil on linen 22" x 16".
This is a preliminary tonal underpainting using only a rag with my Burnt Sienna/Winsor Violet mix thinned with Liquin. After this I intend to just use blues as I don't want much of the warm underpainting to show through.