In a way this is the first painting to directly come out of last year's tour of the South West USA National Parks and is a memory of the Grand Canyon which at this time of the year (July) regularly has a rain storm about 4.00 in the afternoon. We had to make a dash for cover with us all trying to get photos as we hurried for shelter. This is really a composite of three different locations along the Rim and I struggled with the foreground quite a lot and in the end I had to get rid of some of the rock and put more vegetation in as the area was originally dominating the picture and I wanted the focus to be on the sun hitting the distant ridges in the canyon.
I have painted this as my submission painting to the International Guild Of Realism exhibition in a gallery in Santa Fe in July and is why I have gone for a slightly more realistic and less imagined painting this time.
Oil on linen 22" x 16".
There is a step-by-step progress through this painting in previous posts on this blog.